About Me
Understanding The Car You Drive: From Purchase To Personalization

I grew up around cars, cutting my teeth in the auto shop. That early childhood love for cars transitioned into a passion for all things automotive. I decided to go to work with an auto dealership so that I could help others appreciate cars the way that I did. That's when I decided it was time to start sharing everything I know with the rest of the world. I created this site to serve as a means of teaching others about auto repair, sales, customization, and more. I hope that the information here helps you discover the potential that your car has.


Three Reasons Why Buying A Used Car Is Better Than Buying A New One

7 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The thought of purchasing a brand-new car that no one has ever driven before is undeniably appealing, and that new car smell is always enticing. However, new cars don't have as much of an advantage over used cars as you would think. Here are three reasons why buying a used vehicle is a far better investment than getting one that's brand-spanking new. Depreciation Isn't as Serious The top reason a used car surpasses a new one is the depreciation in value isn't as severe. Read More …

Want Maximum Comfort In The Car You Buy? Look For Specific Features

23 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

After owning your car for several years, you may be ready to buy another one. The time that has passed may have developed a desire for different features in a vehicle. So, now you can go into the vehicle buying process with a new mindset, as long as you know what features you should be prioritizing. If you are interested in maximum comfort, you will want most of your demands to revolve around this quality. Read More …

What Can You Do To Take Care Of Your Motorcycle?

6 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As with other types of vehicles, your motorcycle is an investment. Taking care of that investment could pay off if you decide to sell it in the future. Unfortunately, not all owners know how to care for their bikes and they end up making serious mistakes that hurts their value. To help ensure your motorcycle is taken care of properly, here are a few maintenance steps to take.  Read the Manual  Read More …

Things To Assess When You Shop For A Car As A Senior Citizen

26 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Regardless of your age, there are a number of specific criteria to consider when you shop for a car. For example, you'll want to find a car with the right price, as well as one that suits your lifestyle. When you become a senior citizen and are buying a vehicle, there are a number of other specific things that you'll need to consider, too. Whether you shop for the vehicle with a family member or do so by yourself, here are some things to assess when you're a senior citizen. Read More …

Simple Tips To Make Your Car Purchase More Affordable

18 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a new car is exciting, but it also comes with a certain level of responsibility. As a new vehicle owner, it will be your responsibility to not only maintain the vehicle, but also to make the payments on time. The more prepared you are for this new expense, the less stressful your experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare and budget for your new car payment. Plan Early Read More …