Understanding The Car You Drive: From Purchase To Personalization

About Me
Understanding The Car You Drive: From Purchase To Personalization

I grew up around cars, cutting my teeth in the auto shop. That early childhood love for cars transitioned into a passion for all things automotive. I decided to go to work with an auto dealership so that I could help others appreciate cars the way that I did. That's when I decided it was time to start sharing everything I know with the rest of the world. I created this site to serve as a means of teaching others about auto repair, sales, customization, and more. I hope that the information here helps you discover the potential that your car has.


Four Things To Consider When Choosing A Truck To Use For Your Construction Company

10 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Having a great truck to use when you work in construction is essential. If you are in the market for a new truck, it is important to take the time to look for certain key features that make the truck the right fit for you. Use the guide that follows to know what things to look for when choosing your perfect truck. Consider the Bed Size The first thing you need to consider is how large of a bed you need the truck to have. Read More …

5 Tips for Purchasing a Vehicle for Your Food Truck Business

10 April 2017
 Categories: , Articles

There are many steps involved in launching a food truck business, but one of the most important is selecting a commercial vehicle that fits your needs and goals. If you're looking to enter the hot mobile restaurant market, here are five tips for buying the right vehicle for you. Start With Your Menu The features your commercial vehicle must have needs to be based on the types of foods you want to serve and the way you plan to prepare them. Read More …

Large Objects That You May Want To Take To Your Test Drive

6 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Test driving a new car at a car dealership isn't just an opportunity to see how it performs — it should also provide a chance to see how the vehicle suits your lifestyle. Before you move forward with buying a car after a successful test drive, it's a good idea to schedule a second test drive that you can attend with a series of large objects that you often transport in your day-to-day life. Read More …

The Benefits Of Shopping At A Large Car Dealership Vs. A Small Dealership

6 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Shopping at a large car dealership for a new car can be a little overwhelming, especially if the dealership has more than one location where you can look at cars. The task does not have to be quite as daunting as it seems. Here are some benefits to shopping at the large dealerships versus shopping at the smaller ones. Greater Selection, More Variety Shopping at a large dealership is like shopping at a huge candy store. Read More …

Signs You Need To Replace Your Oil

5 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your car's oil serves as the primary lubrication agent for your engine. If your oil level drops too low, or if your oil becomes contaminated with grime, dirt and other contaminants, there can be a number of negative effects on the performance of your vehicle. Understanding the warning signs of low or contaminated oil can help you replace your vehicle's oil supply before it begins to cause problems. Engine Noise Read More …